Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blogging- some examples and info

Here are a few links about blogs, blogging and using them in classes and as teachers.
Will Richardson is very much part of Web 2.0 and School 2.0- his blog is Weblogg-ed

Reach Every Child has a pretty extensive list of blog links

and MiddleWeb has some that are specifically middle school blogs

Remember if you find a blog you like- make it come to you. You can subscribe so it will come to your google reader page. Most blogs will have a subscribe button that you can click, or copy the url, go to google reader and click add subscription, then paste it in the space. Organize your blogs with folders, and you can soon be as behind in your reading as I am- but it is all there if and when I want it. If I had to go check blogs to see what is new, I never would get to it.

Also, you might enjoy David Warlick's 2 cents worth blog.

Technorati and BlogSearch (through google) both are search engines that just search blogs for the topic you are interested in.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Summer Institute

The summer institute has been wonderful. I have learned so much my brain hurts! I can't wait for the next institute in August...

21st Century Skills

ISTE has released the revised National Educational Technology Standards. They are closer to Information Literacy Standards than the first set. Here is a link to them.

enGauge has a report on 21st century skills.
It is all about learning!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

EETT has been great! I am looking forward after teaching summer school today to seeing you all this afternoon and learning about smartboards.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

EETT Summer Institute - New Web Tools

This week is about opening up possibilities. New ways to teach, new ways to learn. We have worked with digital images, podcasting, all sorts of things Google- and we will be using the SmartBoard and making movies. Some of us have been using these tools, some are just getting started- but we are all here to figure out ways to make learning relevant and yes- even fun! Let's use this blog to share things we try throughout the year- successes, problems, ideas- you name it. Leave comments about posts and start new posts- this belongs to all of us.